Reflections on the Impacts of Teleworking from a Biblical Worldview

(Note: This article was published on the Coram Deo blog.)

Dr. Grant Howard, one of my favorite seminary professors from Western Seminary, taught that you can start with a portion of God’s word and apply it to a variety of issues. Or, you can start with a small slice of life and then go to God’s word in a variety of places to find relevant truth.

I ran into an article someone posted on social media a couple of weeks ago that grabbed my heart and head. I wanted to tackle this topic from a biblical, theological, and practical perspective and reflect a bit deeper on the long-term impacts of teleworking on employees and employers.

Let me summarize some of the fascinating data points, observations, and implications I took away from this article written by Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, who is an expert on returning to the office and leading hybrid teams after the pandemic. This piece was published on Forbes, and is entitled, “Workers Are Less Productive Working Remotely (At Least That’s What Their Bosses Think).”

Article summary

This discussion was eye-opening. It stated that Microsoft released a new study that concluded that over 80% of leaders said that the “shift to hybrid work has made it challenging to have confidence that employees are being productive.” As a result, “50% of the bosses of knowledge workers intend to force them into the office by Spring 2023.” Why? Nearly half of managers of hybrid workers “struggle to trust their employees to do their best work.” This lack of trust seems to be especially felt by traditional, older managers (age 50-60), which I did not find at all surprising.

This common fear by managers is in spite of years of research since the pandemic, which has consistently shown that remote work improved productivity. One study among call center employees indicated that “work from home resulted in a 13% performance increase, due to a combination of fewer sick days, and a quieter and more convenient work environment. Those working from home had a 50% lower attrition rate.” Other studies assessed it at 5-7%.

However, this concern about the lack of productivity at home ignores data about workplace behavior. The author asks, “are workers all that productive in the office? Studies show that in-office employees only work between 36% and 39% of the time.” What does he believe workers are doing instead? He speculates that they are shopping on Amazon and checking social media.

Additionally, the phrase, “out of sight, out of mind” has a real impact on employee evaluations and promotions, which was not surprising to me. It was reported that “researchers found that remote employees who work just as hard and just as long as those in the office in similar jobs end up getting lower performance evaluations, decreased raises, and less promotions.”

The author credits the Harvard Business Review with their assessment that “leaders are trained to evaluate employees based on ‘facetime.’ Those who come early and leave late are perceived and assessed as more productive.” This due in part to “proximity bias,” which they define as a mental blind spot that causes managers to “have an unfair preference for and higher ratings of employees who come to the office, compared to those who work remotely, even if the remote workers show higher productivity.” He adds, “The face-to-face interactions between managers and employees lead to managers having more positive impressions of these employees.”

Dr. Tsipursky advises, “To succeed in our increasingly hybrid and remote future will require retraining managers in evaluating performance and addressing proximity bias. Companies will have to teach them to trust the data over their own gut reactions. They’ll also have to learn a new approach to performance evaluations, one customized to hybrid and remote work.”

This article has several relevant implications that should be of interest to Christian employers and workers: How do we build trust between employers and employees who work remotely? How do workers maintain a culture of dedication and productivity, whether absent or present? How can employers ensure fairness between those who work in person and those who work remotely?

Building trust between employer and employee

This article highlighted the lack of trust between employer and employee. When I worked virtually for several months, this was my biggest challenge. The best part of the experience was not seeing my boss all the time. The worst part was not seeing her often enough. There was a lack of trust on her part. She could not see what I was working on and assumed I had time to do extra projects.

In the OT Scriptures, the way of wisdom included the importance of submission to one’s boss. In Prov. 10:26, we read that a lazy employee is an irritation to his supervisor. Later, we learn that a trustworthy employee brings refreshment to his boss (Prov. 25:13). It would seem from reading these verses that the burden is on the worker to show their diligence and trustworthiness.

In a virtual or hybrid work environment, it is critical when both employer and employee are “out of sight, out of mind” to be intentional on scheduling regular opportunities to communicate to eliminate any doubts in the employer’s mind that the employee is worthy of his or her trust.

Building a culture of dedication

The statistic cited above where office employees only worked “between 36% and 39% of the time” was astounding to me. I cannot imagine this percentage would be applicable to many other fields of work outside an office. Every job has its share of down time. However, if folks are working less than 40% of the time, that indicates systemic laziness, which Christian workers should avoid.

In two of the Apostle Paul’s letters, standard expectations for employees are raised to a higher level, as Christians know who it is they ultimately work for. In Eph. 6:5-8, we read, “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.” He expresses something very similar in Col. 3:22-24.

The Theology of Work Bible Commentary explains, “Paul reminds slaves that their work is to be done in integrity in the presence of God, who is their real master. . . Slaves are to work ‘fearing the Lord’ (Col. 3:22) because ‘you serve the Lord Christ’ (Col. 3:24).” They conclude, “Paul reminds us that the Ultimate Boss is always watching and that reality leads us to work in ‘sincerity of heart,’ not putting on a show for management, but genuinely working at the tasks set before us.” 

When I worked from home for a bit three years ago, I knew God was present in my new workspace. It did not matter where I worked or who was watching me; I was working as unto the Lord.

Ensuring fairness between in-person and remote workers

It is easy to understand how employers would naturally lean towards giving better evaluations and might choose those employees whom they see in person as being better suited for a promotion.

However, if hybrid or virtual work is going to continue, and all indications tell us that it will, employers are going to have to adapt to new ways of communicating to ensure that equal time and attention is given to all employees, whether they are sitting in the office with us or on a Zoom call.

Perhaps, the commandment to love our neighbor that Jesus said was on equal footing with loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength might be applicable for the Christian employer. For the Apostle Paul, much of his teaching to the neighbors he poured his life into was virtual. He longed to see them face to face (1 Thes. 3:10), but he had to be content to exhort them through letter writing. The Apostle John felt the same way. (See 2 John 12.)

Where do we go from here?

I trust that both Christian employers and employees have been confronted with some new thoughts that can be translated into good habits in this hybrid work environment. If we continue to serve our employees, submit to our bosses, and work wholeheartedly for the Lord, we will bless others.

(Note: I invite you to read previous articles I wrote about my experiences with teleworking during the pandemic here and returning to the office after a season of teleworking here.)

About the author:


Russell E. Gehrlein (Master Sergeant, U.S. Army, Retired) is a Christian, husband of 42 years, father of three, grandfather of five, and author of the book, Immanuel Labor – God’s Presence in our Profession: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Approach to the Doctrine of Work, published by WestBow Press in February 2018. He is passionate about helping people with ordinary jobs experience God’s presence at work. Russ received a B.S. in Mathematics from Colorado State University in 1980 and an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in 2015. He is a former junior/senior high school math teacher and youth minister. He served for 20 years on active duty and has worked for 15 years as a Department of the Army civilian at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Since 2015, he has written over 200 articles on faith and work topics. Over one hundred of these have been published or posted on several Christian organization’s websites, including the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, Coram Deo, Nashville Institute for Faith + Work, Made to Flourish, The Gospel Coalition, and Christian Grandfather Magazine. (See complete list of published articles on Linktree.)

The Value of Men’s Retreats

There they were, on the Mount of Transfiguration. Jesus’s closest disciples, Peter, James, and John were with Jesus at what could reasonably called the first Christian men’s retreat (Matt. 17:1-8).  

Jesus hand-selected these teammates and took them up an unnamed mountain to get away after a long stretch of preaching and healing. The highlight of this time together was that something unusual happened to Jesus. It is reported that he was “transfigured,” which is described as his face shining the like the sun and His clothes becoming as white as can be. Right away, Jesus’ disciples noticed that there were two visitors among them, that they somehow were able to identify as Moses and Elijah.

It was rather intense, so Peter asked Jesus if they could hang out a while, in tents.

While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud came overhead and they heard a loud voice, saying, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased; listen to him” (Matt. 17:5). They recognized this as the voice of God the Father, so the three disciples fell on their faces in worship and fear. Jesus told them to get up and to not be afraid. Once they did, they saw that Moses and Elijah were gone.

This brief episode has all the elements of a well-designed men’s retreat. A handful of committed believers separated themselves from their responsibilities at home for a short time in order to get some quality time with Jesus and each other. There were two guest speakers. They encountered God in a new way. He spoke to each of them directly, giving them something to think about and apply.

I will discuss what happened at the Christian men’s retreat that I attended last weekend, what I got out of it, and then reflect on their value in building our Christian faith, particularly among men.

What happened at our retreat?

The event I attended last weekend was a relatively small gathering of men from the area. It was not tied to a local church or a national organization. The two coworkers from the camp that put on this Unbroken Men’s Conference had a vision to see if they could use their facility to host a men’s retreat. This was the first time they offered this event. Their desire was to see what God could do. The men who organized this event prayed for the right men to come. Eight of us were from our military chapel community on Fort Leonard Wood. All were active duty, except for one retiree (me).

I have to say that the event was extremely well-planned by the program director who had decades of experience. There were five general sessions scheduled from Friday night to Sunday morning that were led by gifted local guest speakers. One involved a night hike. They had meaningful worship times prior to them and small group discussions afterwards. The resident chef cooked up some great food, serving manly meals like pizza and wings, biscuits and gravy, hamburgers, and fajitas. They brought in a Christian comedian. They planned three hours of open activity time, where they offered options like rock climbing, archery, or a hike to explore a wild cave on their property.

What did I get out of it personally?

For me, I was grateful that this retreat gave me the chance to have some real fellowship. It had been several years since I had attended something like this, where I was able to connect with my brothers in Christ on a deeper level. I got to listen to their struggles, and I think I shared some of my own.

I am not sure that there were any major life-changing revelations that I received during the messages that were well-delivered by our guest speakers. What was the most helpful to me was hearing some of their stories, which included how God rescued them from near death and from bitterness. As I listened to them, I was reminded of how God has worked in my own life and continues to work.

A retreat helps us to advance in our faith and develop relationships

I have attended a number of Christian men’s retreats and conferences over the years, from church retreats with a dozen men to Promise Keepers events in stadiums filled with tens of thousands.

This should be no surprise to anyone. Christian retreats, camps, conferences, service projects, mission trips, and such are excellent opportunities for children, youth, and adults to break away from the influences of the world for a weekend or a week (or longer) to invest some much-needed time in order to recenter their commitment to Jesus. Even those who are disciplined enough to read their Bibles, attend church, pray, and serve the Lord on a regular basis will grow deeper in their faith.

Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane prayed for His disciples, which I am amazed to see includes present day disciples like you and me. (See John 17:20.) A portion of His prayer applies to retreats. Jesus prayed that His Father would not “take them out of the world,” but that He would “protect them from the evil one. . . As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world” (John 17:15, 18). The temporary coming out of the world to get refocused implies going back into it a little less worldly and more committed to reaching those who are of the world with the good news of Jesus.

Retreats also give us a chance to work on our relationships with fellow believers. This happens at mealtimes, sitting together while having devotions, doing fun activities, worshipping together, interacting in small group discussions, and taking advantage of unscheduled time to listen to another share their struggles or open up to our own in a much deeper way that we never get to do back home.

Why do men specifically need these kind of events?

Men tend to be isolated. Perhaps it has to do with pride. Maybe it is because generally speaking, we are less social than women. We might do stuff together, like watch or play sports, build things, fish or hunt, but rarely do we share our deepest struggles in our faith with a guy we can trust. During a retreat or conference, we usually have plenty of opportunities to do this, which always makes us better. Proverbs 27:17 describes this process. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

For me, I know that I have a tendency to be a “Lone Ranger” Christian; just me and God. I have gone for long stretches of time where I do not have any kind of fellowship with a brother in Christ at all. This has been true especially when I have been in a leadership position. I know that I am not unique.

The time that we sacrifice to get away from our responsibilities, invest in our vertical and horizontal relationships, and hear life-changing truths about who we are as men with unique callings given by God are absolutely invaluable to our survival. It enables us to fight the good fight of faith while remembering that the battle belongs to the Lord. Whether we are standing in a stadium full of men singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” with arms raised and tears streaming down our faces or singing “Amazing Grace” in a cave with a dozen men, our hearts are impacted, and our faith is renewed.  

Where do I go from here?

Here is what I am hoping will be possible responses to what I have shared above:

  • Attend the next men’s retreat or conference that you hear about; just go!
  • If there haven’t been any lately, ask your church leaders if you can help plan one
  • Sponsor someone you know who needs to go to, but can’t afford it
  • If you make a new friend at a men’s event, continue to build that relationship
  • If married, support your wife by encouraging her to go to a women’s retreat
  • If you have kids, ensure that they attend youth retreats and mission trips
  • Lead by example by making it a point to attend men’s events often

I look forward to the next Unbroken Men’s Retreat. I know I will still have some growing to do.

About the author:


Russell E. Gehrlein (Master Sergeant, U.S. Army, Retired) is a Christian, husband of 42 years, father of three, grandfather of five, and author of the book, Immanuel Labor – God’s Presence in our Profession: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Approach to the Doctrine of Work, published by WestBow Press in February 2018. He is passionate about helping people with ordinary jobs experience God’s presence at work. Russ received a B.S. in Mathematics from Colorado State University in 1980 and an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in 2015. He is a former junior/senior high school math teacher and youth minister. He served for 20 years on active duty and has worked for 15 years as a Department of the Army civilian at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Since 2015, he has written over 200 articles on faith and work topics. Over one hundred of these have been published or posted on several Christian organization’s websites, including the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, Coram Deo, Nashville Institute for Faith + Work, Made to Flourish, The Gospel Coalition, and Christian Grandfather Magazine. (See complete list of published articles on Linktree.)