My Testimony – How I Came to Faith in Jesus

Forty-five years ago this week, at a high school Youth for Christ club Christmas party, I heard the gospel clearly for the first time. It was December 9, 1975. I was 17 years old. I realized that I was hopelessly lost, spiritually. When I responded by putting my faith in Jesus Christ, I was born again.

In Eph. 2:1-5, the Apostle Paul describes our lost status without Christ. Let me personalize this passage:

I was dead. I had no spiritual life due to my sinful condition. I was living in sin because I followed the crowd, which is to say that I followed the devil. I was just like everyone else. I could not obey God even if I wanted to. I always gave in to my fleshly thoughts. Like all those who disobeyed God, I was destined to be the target of God’s wrath. But since God loved me personally and showed me the richness of His mercy, He made me come alive to faith in Jesus, despite my spiritual separation from Him. It was His grace that saved me.

Unlike many testimonies you have probably heard, I was not saved out of a life of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. I realized years later that God had protected me from risky behavior in these categories.

So, what was taking place in my life that brought me to that decisive moment? Let me explain.

Good, but not good enough

I have to back up a few years before I describe what happened to me that day I became a Christian. I do not think many of my friends have heard me share this story in detail, so it is long overdue.

I grew up in a church-going family. I always thought I believed in God. However, I had never heard the gospel preached in such a way that I could understand how to begin this relationship with Jesus Christ. And yet, God was working on me, and was paving the way towards faith in Him.

In the mid-70’s, my dad took my sister and I to see the musical productions Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell. I was struck mostly by the second one, especially in the song, “Day by Day”. I made these lyrics my own prayer: “Lord, dear Lord, three things I pray – to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day.” I still pray those words occasionally today.

The summer before my senior year in high school, in June of 1975, I went on a Boy Scout canoe trip in northern Minnesota and Canada. I remember praying a lot during that week-long, 100-mile journey. I prayed that I would catch fish, and I did. I prayed that I would get to see some wildlife, and I did. I was seeking after God. I believe He was revealing Himself to me through nature.

As I started my senior year, I had several goals. All of them were basically good, but ultimately unfulfilling. My most important goal was to take the right girl to prom. I had a list of half a dozen or more names. One by one, I scratched them off. When I ran out of options, I asked my best friend’s girl, who had just broken up with him. (One date with me, though, and they got back together!) I also wanted to become an Eagle Scout and get selected for the National Honor Society. If it sounds like I wanted to be like Richie Cunningham from “Happy Days”, you are exactly right.

This same best friend, who I met at the beginning of 8th grade when we moved to Kansas City, had invited me to come with him to the Youth for Christ club off and on for a long time. The group met in a church across the street from the high school on Tuesday nights. I finally decided to give in on that pre-ordained December evening, as it was their Christmas party. I am not sure why. Maybe I thought I could meet some pretty girls or put another wholesome activity on my NHS application.

I can’t remember much about what we did or what the speaker said. I do recall that he explained to me for the very first time that Jesus wanted to come in and change me from the inside out. This was exactly what I needed to hear. I was doing my best to be a good boy, just like Richie Cunningham. However, I was only focusing on my exterior: what I did, how I looked, and what I said. I tried to be that funny, smart, popular, handsome guy everybody liked, but I always seemed to fall short.

The message I heard loud and clear was that if I invited Jesus to come in and change my heart, then His goodness would last. The speaker asked us to imagine what would happen if a professional basketball player could somehow enter into a high school player’s body. He could coach him on what to do and actually enable him to make the shots. It made sense to me. When the speaker asked for us to bow our heads, close our eyes, and raise our hands if we wanted to follow Jesus, I did. I eagerly accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord. I have not been the same since that day.

How did I change?

I saw little things change in me at first. I wasn’t nearly as frustrated when I didn’t measure up to my own high expectations, or others’. I prayed often. I started reading and truly understanding the Bible. I had a peace and newfound joy that defied explanation and was not based on circumstances. I was less concerned about myself and I became much more interested in helping other people.

My Christian faith has impacted every single area of my life: my family, career, what I do, what I think, what I say, where I’ve been, and where I am going. Christianity was not just a religion I had joined. It was a new relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that definitely has gotten richer over time. I began to truly know God. In knowing Him, He continued to transform me into the image of His Son, Jesus. Even after four and a half decades, I am still growing in my faith.

Oh, by the way, I did earn my Eagle Scout badge and I was selected for the NHS. I also did not need to worry so much about finding the right girl. The Lord brought Linda into my life in the fall of my sophomore year at college. We will celebrate 40 years of wedded bliss in just two weeks!

I have had quite the spiritual journey over the past 45 years. I have much to learn before I am done!

About the author:


Russell E. Gehrlein (Master Sergeant, U.S. Army, Retired) is a Christian, husband of 40 years, father of three, grandfather of four, and author of Immanuel Labor – God’s Presence in our Profession: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Approach to the Doctrine of Work, published by WestBow Press in February 2018. He is an ordinary man who is passionate about helping other ordinary people experience God’s presence and integrate their Christian faith at work. He received a B.S. in Mathematics from Colorado State University in 1980 and an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in 2015. He is a former junior/senior high school math and science teacher and youth pastor. After serving 20 years on active duty, Russ now works as a Department of the Army civilian at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Sixty articles posted on this blog have been published over 100 times on numerous Christian organization’s websites, including: the Center for Faith & Work at LeTourneau University, Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, Coram Deo, Nashville Institute for Faith + Work, Made to Flourish, 4Word Women, Acton Institute, and The Gospel Coalition.

15 thoughts on “My Testimony – How I Came to Faith in Jesus

  1. Your heartfelt testimony, ‘How I Came to Faith in Jesus,’ is a powerful and inspiring narrative that beautifully captures your personal journey of faith. Your ability to convey the transformative nature of your experience is truly moving. Your testimony not only shares your spiritual awakening but also serves as a source of encouragement for others who may be on a similar path. Your story is a testament to the profound impact of faith and the courage it takes to share such a personal and transformative journey with others.

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